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2021, generative audiovisual work [duration variable]

26/03/21-02/04/21 - premiered online via Bastard Assignments' Instagram account @bastard_assignments (London, UK).

05/11/21 - exhibited as part of SCHALLFRONT @ OSCO - Open Space, PLATZprojekt (Hannover, DE).

'THISPERSONDOESNOTEXIST' is a generative audiovisual work that explores the uncanny, accountability and imperceivable work. Its title is taken from the website of the same name

Unreal AI-generated people trained off of datasets provided by the performers are pressured into being. With faulty voices and malfunctioning faces they protest their existence, origin and autonomy to the founders of the tech start-up who made it possible for them to come into existence. The identities of all involved converge in surprising ways as meaning is learnt and rebuilt.

random 30-minute export:




Concept, audio/video, text, Max & AR programming - MICHAELBRAILEY

Performance, sound/image dataset - Bastard Assignments (Timothy Cape, Edward Henderson, Caitlin Rowley, Josh Spear)

StyleGAN2-based neural network - Laura Ibáñez

Voices developed using software at

Commissioned by Bastard Assignments (London, UK) as part of their online series Lockdown Jams. Supported using public funding by Arts Council England.

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