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You, Copiphora gorgonensis

2020, meditative experience for solo participant and laptop [60']

2021, meditative experience for audience, solo narrating guitarist and audio/video [65']




02/08/21 - performed live with Callum Coomber @ Hauptsache Frei (Hamburg, DE).


(cancelled) 25/07/21 - performed live with Callum Coomber as part of VIRTUALLYREALITY SS21: The Long Triumph (Manchester, UK).


16/07/21 - exhibited online as part of VIRTUALLYREALITY SS21: The Long Triumph (Manchester, UK).


26/06/21 - trailer exhibited @ ZKM as part of ne(x)t generation 8.5 (Karlsruhe, DE).


17/02/21 - exhibited in documentary form @ FACT Liverpool (Liverpool, UK).


29/12/20 - streamed online as part of Chaostrawler @ Gängeviertel (Hamburg, DE).


22/10/20 - streamed online plus Q&A with Callum Coomber and Maitreyi Maheshwari of FACT Liverpool (Liverpool, UK)


19/10/20 - premiered by FACT online as part of 'FACT Together' (Liverpool, UK).





Experience the work here.



'You, Copiphora gorgonensis' is an hour-long meditative experience for online or live audience focusing on interspecies relationships, psychoacoustics and presence.


Over five stages, participants undergo a metamorphosis into Copiphora gorgonensis, a grasshopper-like insect that - despite 650 million years of evolutionary divergence - miraculously shares our human inner ear structure. Listening, insectoid body-modding and time travel are used to position the interconnected sounding present within the vastness of space and evolutionary time. 







Concept, script, audio/video, webpage, cover art - MICHAELBRAILEY

Narration, electric guitar, dramaturgical support - Callum Coomber

Additional dramaturgical support - Rosalind Ridout

Set-up diagram - Ryan Huff

Trailer participants - Irini Aravidou, Juan Manuel Jaramillo, Tam Thi Pham


Online version commissioned by FACT (Liverpool, UK) for FACT Together. Supported using public funding by Arts Council England and funded by Liverpool City Council. Live version commissioned by Hauptsache Frei (Hamburg, DE) and created using funds from the Hamburgische Kulturstiftung.




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